Saturday, April 30, 2011














很多人希望「拔除煩惱」,但那也是不可能的。因為,你我都只是平凡人啊!窮人有窮人的煩惱、富人有富人的煩惱;失戀中的人有失戀時的煩惱、戀愛中的人有戀愛的煩惱…… 這是非常必然的。




Friday, April 29, 2011

Common Beliefs Men Have About Women

Thursday, April 28, 2011


For several years, a man had been having an affair with an Italian woman.

One night, she confided to him that she was pregnant.

Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage, he paid her a large sum of money if she would go back to Italy to secretly have the child.

Also, if she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would provide child support until the child turned 18.

She agreed, but asked how he would know when the baby was born.

To keep it discrete, he told her to simply mail him a post card, and write 'Spaghetti' on the back when the child was born.

He would then arrange for the Child Support Payments to begin.

One day, about 8 months later, he came home to his confused wife.

'Honey,' she said, 'You received a very strange post card today.'

'Oh, just give it to me and I'll explain it later,' he said.

The wife obeyed and watched as her husband read the card, turned white, and fainted.

On the card was written: “Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti. Three with meatballs, two without. Send extra sauce!”

(Courtesy of forwarded mail from Josephine Wong)

A Tale of Two Seas

Sitting in the Geography class in school, I remember how fascinated I was when we were being taught all about the Dead Sea. As you probably recall, the Dead Sea is really a Lake, not a sea (and as my Geography teacher pointed out, if you understood that, it would guarantee 4 marks in the term paper!) It is so high in salt content that the human body can float easily. You can almost lie down and read a book!The salt in the Dead Sea is as high as 35% - almost 10 times the normal ocean water. And all that saltiness has meant that there is no life at all in the Dead Sea. No fish. No vegetation. No sea animals. Nothing lives in the Dead sea.

And hence the name: Dead Sea. The Dead Sea- White crystals of salt covering everything While the Dead Sea has remained etched in my memory, I don't seem to recall learning about the Sea of Galilee in my school Geography lesson. So when I heard about the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea and the tale of the two seas - I was intrigued. Turns out that the Sea of Galilee is just north of the Dead Sea. Both the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea receive their water from River Jordan. And yet, they are very, very different.

Unlike the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee is pretty, resplendent with rich, colorful marine life. There are lots of plants. And lots of fish too. In fact, the sea of Galilee is home to over twenty different types of fishes. Sea of Galilee- Sunset Sea of Galilee in Spring

Same region, same source of water, and yet while one sea is full of life, the other is dead. How come?

Here apparently is why.

The River Jordan flows into the Sea of Galilee and then flows out. The water simply passes through the Sea of Galilee in and then out - and that keeps the Sea healthy and vibrant, teeming with marine life.

But the Dead Sea is so far below the mean sea level, that it has no outlet. The water flows in from the River Jordan, but does not flow out. There are no outlet streams. It is estimated that over a million tons of water evaporate from the Dead Sea every day. Leaving it salty. Too full of minerals. And unfit for any marine life.

The Dead Sea takes water from the River Jordan, and holds it. It does not give. Result? No life at all.

Think about it.

Life is not just about getting. It is about giving. We all need to be a bit like the Sea of Galilee.

We are fortunate to get wealth, knowledge, love and respect. But if we don't learn to give, we could all end up like the Dead Sea. The love and the respect, the wealth and the knowledge could all evaporate. Like the water in the Dead Sea.

If we get the Dead Sea mentality of merely taking in more water, more money, more everything, the results can be disastrous. Good idea to make sure that in the sea of your own life, you have outlets. Many outlets. For love and wealth - and everything else that you get in your life. Make sure you don't just get, you give too. Open the taps. And you'll open the floodgates to happiness.

Make that a habit. To share. To give.

And experience life. Experience the magic!

(Courtesy of a forwarded mail from P Tan)
Feedback from Dr JB Lim:
Wednesday, 27 April, 2011 7:36 PM

I fully agree. We are blessed with all the provisions in life God gives us. It is more blessed to give than to receive as the Sea of Galilee tells us. It is a beautiful illustration whoever wrote that! Thank you. A lesson learnt in illustration.

lim ju boo




Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Life-long Learning Experiences of Dr JB Lim

The Blogger is pleased to post as follows an email from the most knowledgeable, versatile and yet modest e-buddy of his, Dr JB Lim (pic left), with the purpose of sharing with readers of this blog a classical example of Life-long Learning that is truly inspiring. The first few paragraphs have been deliberatey edited by the blogger to remove comments on a certain person to save the latter’s face.

Date: Sunday, 24 April, 2011, 1:14 AM

Dear Ir. Lau,

Mine! mine! mine! What a flatter about the standard of my English language.

It would be more appropriate, more prudent for you to warily examine the structure of the sentences I pen (or rather type). Should you do this with vigilance, the mistakes therein were so glaring, unforgiving and embarrassingly obvious. What an embarrassing sweet-talk. I deserve the least that unequivocal flattering remark, whether implicit or explicit. Thank you, thank you. Perhaps I should buy you dinner in the next fellowship for such butter up compliment.

Chinese-medium Educated:

Someone with a Chinese educational background presumably is well versed in Chinese characters. That of course does not necessarily imply that he/she knows Mandarin since Chinese characters are a common written lingual denominator that cuts across the board among all classes and clans of dialectal Chinese, be they Cantonese, Hokkein, Teochew, Hainanese, Hokchew. It is only the spoken language that differs among the Han provincial Chinese.


My feeling is it is highly improbable that a Chinese in this country gifted in writing, reading, and translating Chinese characters, yet had not previously attended a Chinese school. I am for instance, illiterate in Chinese characters, except recognizing a few dozens common characters scattered here and there on sign boards, and in published text.

The multi-lingual generation:

Indeed, very few Chinese- medium educated individuals in this country can command a mastery of the English language, albeit they may be able to express their thoughts adequately in writing. But their oral expression is halting, hesitant, and faltering. But not all are wavering in expressing themselves. Many Chinese educated students are bilingual and trilingual. Their fluency in the English language is far from being hesitant. It depends much on their talents, social and family background, their mind-set, and other supportive factors.

My children for instance are trilingual – English, Bahasa, and Mandarin inclusive of Cantonese, and occasionally they pepper in a little Hokkein when speaking with friends. My youngest daughter an engineer for instance, has an added advantage with ‘proficiency’ in Korean.

The language of the family:

The mother speaks to my two daughters almost entirely in Mandarin, and to my son, in English. Occasionally, to punctuate the monotony of Mandarin, their mother rain in a few sentences in Hokkein, especially when she is angry.

My daughters and son dialogue with me entirely in English. In exchange, I communicate with all of them entirely in English.

My unforgiving Pinyin:

Thank you for getting me know your inability to decipher my pinyin. I do admit my handicap on learning Chinese at my advanced age. You already know that it would only be the Romanized alternative I would be able to manage.

I do not have a local (Malaysian) Chinese teacher to teach me Mandarin. The only route is to be self-taught. At my age this was a horrendous up-hill task. With no guidance, except an English-Chinese dictionary published in China, naturally I was unaware of the standard Pinyin format adopted in Malaysia. I purely and dutifully followed the learning method adopted in China in the dictionary and the ‘teach yourself’ book.

It was a difficult undertaking for me even to know if I was on the right track. Being self-taught, I was a teacher and student in one. It was a difficult, and a very thorny endeavor indeed trying to learn a language at an advanced age with a declining brain. The human brain at this age can no longer hold on to anything. A language can only be learnt effortlessly no later than in childhood years.

It was a snatch and gamble learning situation in my declining life when the brain laze off without a compromise.

My Same Difficulty in Music:

The same grueling challenge confronted me when I attempted learning the violin at a sunset age of 62. The norm is, all music lessons need to be completed by puberty. Adding to this learning insult was that, the violin is considered to be the King of Instruments. Being a ‘king’, the violin has the infamous reputation of being the hardest musical instruments to learn and handle, let alone play technically and expressively.

Notwithstanding this demanding challenge, this arduous defiance of the King of Instruments, I put up an unyielding fight to overwhelm the difficulty. I was aware that learning to play a musical instrument is the domain of a talented young adolescence child. But I need to override it.

So I began the fight. After 3 years of intense hours of daily self practice, I won. In the wake of this unbending struggle, in the month of December 2005, I played as a solo violinist with the Kuala Lumpur Symphony Orchestra at the Kuala Lumpur City Hall Auditorium to a standing ovation. It was my debut. It was my cherished dream.

A debut to remember:

Since that ‘celebrated’ performance at the City Hall, I have rested my violin to playing something softer entirely for self pleasure. I have since retired to enjoying playing only balmy twilight serenades, etudes light western classics, old Chinese songs of the yesteryears depicted in Shanghai movies and popularized by Zhou Xuan and other Old Shanghai qipaos (cheongsum) songstresses.

A Score of Collection:

I have a music library of them (music scores, orchestral and sonatas, written sheet music), complied from the time of the western classical era of Mozart, his pupil Beethoven, and Hayden, to the Romantic Era of Frederic Chopin, down to nostalgic songs of the 1920’s and 1940’s - reminisce of Old Shanghai.

It was my irresistible feeling for music of the bygone eras of undying love, romance, and beauty.

That’s life.

Kind regards

Jb lim
The Blogger’s response:

Sunday, April 24, 2011 3:42 AM

Dear Dr Lim,

I am speechless after reading your write-up.

Perhaps, if you don't mind, I should also post this file into my blog in order to share with readers of this blog, young and old, the inspiring experiences of your goodself being a GREAT VERSATILE LEARNER! It is undoubtedly a living example of LIFE-LONG LEARNING: "huo dao lao, xue doa lao" (live till old, learn till old)!

Thank you very much once again. I really don't know how to respond any further and express my utmost respect and admiration for you!


TO Lau


Monday, April 25, 2011


(博客注: 顷接驻马来西亚台北经济文化办事处新闻组组长周蓓姬女士来函,特此贴上,以饷读者。)
Monday, 25 April, 2011 10:46AM
From: chou peggy
To: Lau Tai Onn

這篇東西 讀完之後笑之不盡 並傳給朋友分享
他的幽默是 生活上的--樂於解剖自己的壓抑 自我嘲解 博君一笑
台灣是個思想鬆綁20餘年 思想活潑奔放的地方
他的幽默是 創意上的--使出渾身解數 逗君莞爾 只為秀自己
深度上 輸大陸
蓓姬 敬上
Monday, 25 April, 2011 10:49 PM

敬覆 蓓姬组长
很高兴组长欣赏在下转寄的这篇妙文,并不吝传送朋友分享,显见组长本人也富有幽默感,难得! 难得!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

《水浒傳》All Men Are Brothers


"All Men Are Brothers" also known as "Water Margin" tells the story of why and how 108 heroes (105 men, 3 women) gathered at the Liang Mountain and soon became outlaw armies to fight against pompous and heartless tyrants. It is a drama of martial arts, political corruption, murder, hatred and love. Led by director Kuk Kok Leung, the epic series boasts an equally epic all-star cast. Starring: Zhang Tielin, Tong Dawei, Ray Lui, Kao Fu, Yan Kuan, Jing Gangshan, Anita Yuen, Hu Ke, and Ady An.
Currently showing in 8TV Every Monday – Friday 8.30pm

Water Margin (simplified Chinese: 水浒传; traditional Chinese: 水滸傳; pinyin: Shuǐhǔ Zhuàn) (also known as Outlaws of the Marsh, All Men Are Brothers, Men of the Marshes, or The Marshes of Mount Liang) is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. Attributed to Shi Naian, the novel details the trials and tribulations of 108 outlaws (also known as “108 Stars of Destiny” comprising “36 Heavenly Spirits” and “72 Earthly Fiends”) during the Song Dynasty period of Chinese history. (For details, see


兄弟相逢 三碗酒
兄弟论道 两杯茶
...兄弟投缘 四海情
兄弟交心 五车话
兄弟思念 三更梦
兄弟怀旧 半天霞
兄弟今生 两家姓
兄弟来生 一个妈
兄弟护国 三军壮
兄弟安民 万世夸
兄弟上阵 一群狼
兄弟拉车 八匹马
兄弟水战 千艘艇
兄弟出塞 百支笳
兄弟生离 两行泪
兄弟死别 一枝花
兄弟情 夜空中万千星点
兄弟情 红尘里无限光华
兄弟情 是没有色的酒
兄弟情 是没有墙的家

(Translated by Tan Kok Leong, Head of Study Dept., SGM)
Brothers, one, two, three, four, five!
Brothers, one, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand!
(Main Song)
Brothers encountering, three bowls of wine!
Brothers discussing the path, two cups of tea!
Brothers destining together, four oceans of passion!
Brothers exchanging heart to heart, five carts of words!
Brothers longing for each other, midnight (third of the five night watch periods) dreams!
Brothers remembering nostalgically, half a sky of red clouds!
Brothers in this lifetime, two family names!
Brothers in the next life, of one mother!
Brothers protecting the country, three army strong!
Brothers providing peace and security for the people, receiving praises for all ages to come!
Brothers going into battle, like one great pack of courageous wolves!
Brothers pulling war chariots, like the strength of eight horses!
Brothers into water battle, one thousand war vessels!
Brothers coming out of strategic passes, hundreds of reed whistles!
Brothers parting, two lines of tears!
Brothers parting by death, one single flower!
Brothers' passion, like myriads of starlight in the night sky!
Brothers' passion, like unbounded brilliance in the worldly red dust!
Brothers' passion is like wine without colour!
Brothers' passion is like a home without walls!

新版《水浒传》- 片尾曲 “四海盟约”

江山非画美如画,豪杰壮士影叠叠。侠义如酒浓于酒,男儿豪饮情烈烈。寨如家胜似家,挑灯把酒三军悦。兄弟非亲心更亲,前生来世总相携。(副歌) 可爱的草莽英雄,原来是群星下界。 寻常的瓦舍评书,暗藏着救世秘诀。人间恰似水泊,情义兰舟通彼岸。天地宛如山寨,四海兄弟赴盟约。

Extract from the conversations in Facebook between Tan Kok Leong and the blogger from April 20 till 24:
Kok-Leong Tan's Status: 现在,俺在看水浒,品尝着 long black! 多自在啊!多逍遥啊! 爽快!爽快! 乐哉!乐哉!
Tai-Onn Lau: I share the same fun with you. "All men are brothers" is exciting to be watched, except that there are too many advertisment slots and too short a story per episode.
Kok-Leong Tan: 哈!哈!哈!哈!哈!
Tai-Onn Lau: Yes, we are also "brothers" mah, like those from the Water Margin, hahaha....
Kok-Leong Tan: Yes, 刘大哥,四海之内,皆兄弟也!
Tai-Onn Lau: 贤弟所言极是,不愧为好汉。且去吃酒三百碗,如何?呵呵呵....
Kok-Leong Tan: 小弟酒量不好,顶多只能喝三碗,三碗喝罢,就过不了岗,不比武松兄弟!哈!哈!哈!哈!哈!
Tai-Onn Lau: 不行,不行。好汉怎能只吃茶而不吃酒?有道是:"酒逢知己千杯少",那酒逢兄弟才三百碗,实不为过啊!贤弟不与洒家把臂痛饮,太不应该了。哈!哈!哈!哈!哈!
Kok-Leong Tan: 哈!哈!哈!咱们上了梁山,再说吧!晁盖大哥,宋公明哥哥,还在等着呢!
Tai-Onn Lau: 这才对嘛!对酒当歌,人生几何?...五花马,千金裘,呼儿将出换美酒,与尔同销万古愁。干杯(300次)!!!!!!!!!!!
Kok-Leong Tan: 哈!哈!哈!哈!哈!爽快!爽快!痛快!痛快!哈!哈!哈!哈!哈!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Vaccines for Flu Don't Cure or Protect

The Blogger's Note: Lately there has been an email circulated by an e-buddy about a fast non-drug remedy for FLU by drinking a cup of hot BLACK COFFEE and the question of this claim was posed to our most knowledgeable Dr JB Lim (pic left). As usual, the kind-hearted Doc offers his free-of-charge advice as follows:

Wednesday, 20 April, 2011 10:17 PM

Thank you very much for your questions.

My advice to all of you is very simple. Please don’t waste your time and effort with all these so called ‘flu vaccines’. If only you all have knowledge on virology, immunology and molecular medicine, you know that none of these vaccines and drugs neither can prevent nor cure even a simple common cold.

You need to do a course on molecular virology – as I did and underwent a 3 months post-doctoral course when I was working as a medical researcher at the Institute for Medical Research, for you to understand how exceedingly fast the RNA and DNA of these rhinoviruses mutate from one genome sequence to another before you can even test out the clinical efficacy of a vaccine even on a small pilot scale, let alone put them out for mass production.

Idiots vs. Mother Nature:

Do you think these viruses are idiots like us scientists to allow us to kill them into extinction? They are much smarter than we, as medical scientists think. This is how Nature works through its genetic program, designed to make all these pathogen, including all the viruses survive on Planet Earth. We can never, never wipe them out. We can never beat Mother Nature.

We are all losing a battle against all the diseases on this Planet. It is a very long story, discussed over and over again at countless scientific meetings during my entire 29 years professional career as a senior medical researcher at Cambridge, MIT and at the Institute for Medical Research.

Just don’t waste your time and money to enrich all these vaccine manufacturers and the doctors who gave them under influence and pressure from drug companies. Everyone is just interested in making an extra dollar. This is a commercial world. Keep your money, and let Mother Nature do its duty.

The Purpose of a Fever:

If you have flu, just keep warm, lots of fluid and bed rest, and if you have a temperature just leave it. The temperature is put there by Nature for a purpose – to combat an infection by accelerating the mobility of all the appropriate immunoglobulin (antibodies), accelerate toxic metabolic breakdown by the liver, and excretion of wastes through the kidneys, sweat, and even via the bile.

The higher than normal body temperatures generated by the body is purposely put there in order to be non-conducive for the pathogens to survive. The fever is purposely prescribed there to accelerate all the necessary protective (bio)-chemistries in the body. Never interfere with this protective mechanism.

Drinking lots of water, preferably fruit juices (fluids), and the ‘old-fashioned’ sponging will do the trick beautifully if your temperature gets far too high. Why do you want to poison your body with all these chemical antipyretics (drugs that reduce fever) - ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, and other NSAID etc, etc. We know their pharmacology and their disastrous effects very, very well as a Special Medical Adviser to an international group of drug companies.

Pharmacodynamics (Mode of Action) of Anti-fever Drugs:

All these antipyretics work by getting the "thermostat" in the hypothalamus to override the interleukin-induced increase in temperature. Antipyretics will also reduce prostaglandin synthesis in the hypothalamus by inhibiting the effect of endogenous or microbial pyrogens on the heat regulating sensors of the hypothalamus. By blocking prostaglandin synthetase, antipyretics prevent a rise in prostaglandin levels in the brain. Why do you want to interfere with this body chemistry? Just leave it, and let Nature do her course.

Starve the Fever:

Most of the time just leave the fever alone as the good old wise maxim prescribes ‘starve a fever’.

Sleep and bed rests are the best natural ‘vaccines’ you can inherit. You can never buy this asset from the pharmacy or from the doctor because sleep and rest is the only way that allows the body to do the job of self cleaning towards a very rapid recovery. A few studies published in the Lancet and JAMA over 3 decades ago, have clearly shown that if a fever was left alone, the patients recover much faster than if we interfere with it with antipyretic (drugs).

No vaccine or any drug, including herbal medicine or nutritional supplements can replace this wonderful job the body is designed and programmed by God to do.

Just don’t be fooled by all these vaccines. Your body produces all these natural vaccines – the immunoglobulin (IgG, IgE, IgM), continuously and consistently every minute of your life to protect you.

Be Thankful for the Program:

You have every reason to be grateful and thankful to God, your Designer and Creator Who has given you all these protective provisions and biological shield every minute of your life to ensure all these viruses and pathogens are kept at bay most of your genetic lifespan. Be thankful.

Your Best Physician:

That’s your natural investment in preventive and curative medicine. This is your best physician, and not all those factory-made vaccines, drugs, herbals, nutritionals, including your doctor, sinseh, herbalists, naturopaths, homeopaths, nutritionists, dieticians, etc, etc. Sorry, I am one of them these health-care professionals. But I am professionally honest with you.
Take this advice seriously.

Black coffee for flu?
Finally, I do not know about your concoction using black coffee to ‘instantly cure’ a flu? Maybe I should go to a witchery medical school in the next life to learn about your magic portion. Yours is far too deep for me to understand this present life. Sorry!

But I do know that black coffee is therapeutic in the event of bronchial asthma (not cardiac asthma) – don’t be confused between the two, just like some are totally confused between diabetes mellitus, and diabetes insipidus with two entirely different aetiologies (causes).

Coffee is therapeutic for asthmatics:

Coffee contains two very potent bronchial dilating drugs – Theophylline (dimethylxanthine) and Aminophylline (theophylline and ethylenediamine) both these agents (drugs) are bronchodilators, and are used as emergency measures given by IV infusion or injections in the event of acute asthma exacerbation (asthma attack), or status asthmaticus that are unresponsive to mainline bronchodilators such as albuterol (Ventolin), adrenalin, and other short-acting beta 2-adrenergic receptor agonists. Both agents are also indicated for other COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) like emphysema, etc.

Even if these two natural drugs are removed from coffee, the metabolic breakdown of caffeine in coffee by the body will produce aminophylline and theophylline naturally. So drinking black coffee (without the milk) is both prophylactic and ‘curative’ for asthmatic patients.

Milk allergy:

Milk may exacerbate an asthmatic attack because of the presence of cow’s milk protein which may trigger off an anaphylactic shock (anaphylaxis) if drunk repeatedly to induce a serial rise in antigen-antibody titer.

Anaphylaxis is a severe systemic allergic reaction to an allergen (allergic- causing chemical) like cow’s milk to intolerant individuals. In some cases (rarely) it may even cause angioedema (swelling or edema) in the airways leading to airway obstruction, dyspnoea (SOB), and even asphyxia. This is a medical emergency.This much I know and advise about black coffee, but I have no idea about your claim on its role in ‘curing’ flu?

Thank you once again for your question(s), and kind regards,

jb lim


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